Being charged with a municipal offense, even a misdemeanor, can be a very serious matter!
Misdemeanors can carry fines as well as jail time, and please understand that the City Attorney's job is to prosecute you to the best of his ability. That is why you need an attorney who can defend your interests fully, so that your side of the story will not be overshadowed by an aggressive prosecutor. Please note that there may be legal defenses and avenues available to you that can lead to a dismissal of your case.
We believe in maintaining a position that demands respect from the City Attorney's Office, and this is exactly the type of reputation you need to represent your best interests. Our fees for any minicipal offense is simply $450.00, no matter the type of offense. We believe in providing quality legal services at a highly competitive rate and encourage you to compare our prices with other law firms. The earlier you retain a lawyer to assist you, the more time your lawyer has to construct an informed and well-planned strategy to protect your legal rights.